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Can the Acuscope and Myopulse be used with other therapies?

Yes. Acuscope and Myopulse therapy can absolutely be used in conjunction with other modalities. The only caveat is that, with other electrical therapies, there should be a 72 hour period before and after receiving Acuscope/Myopulse treatment where no other treatment is administered. This will allow the body to return to it's current normal state so that the biofeedback system in the Acuscope and Myopulse can be used most effectively. In the case where the other treatment is non-electrical in nature, a 72 hour buffer is ideal but a 12 hour buffer is acceptable.

Is there ever a case where Acuscope and Myopulse therapy is not used or recommended?

Yes. Acuscope and Myopulse therapies are not recommended in the following cases:

-pregnant mares

-recent or current history of cancer

-horse on blood thinners

-horse with a previous neurectomy

What does it take to get started?

Every horse, regardless of the program they are on, starts with 3 consecutive sessions, done within 72 hours. After that, a plan will be set up to best suit to needs of your horse and you.

What if my horse started treatment but it's been several months since the last session? Do we have to start all over again?

If it's been more than 3 months since the last session, then the horse would need to be restarted with the three consecutive sessions.

Isn't this just basically a TENS therapy?

It is in the family of TENS therapies, however, the biofeedback systems in both the Acuscope and Myopulse instruments are what set them apart. Instead of the constant output found in other TENS units, the Acuscope and Myopulse take reading from the tissues being treated and then send out the amount of current needed, based on those readings. This cycle occurs every 5 milliseconds. The advantage of this is that the tissue can never be over treated or overstimulated.

How much do sessions cost?

The evaluation and 3 start up sessions cost $200 and each session thereafter is $75.

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